The basic concept of Town Planning Schemes is pooling together all the land under different ownerships and redistributing it in a properly reconstituted form after deducting the land required for open spaces, social infrastructures, services, housing for the economically weaker section, and road network. This process enables the local authority to develop land without fully acquiring it and gives it a positive control over the design and dynamics the timing of the urban growth. This method is extensively practiced in Gujarat and Maharashtra, selectively in Kerala and occasionally in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
Bhubaneshwar and other cities of Odisha are growing rapidly. It is inevitable that agricultural land in the periphery of cities will get converted to urban uses. This can happen in a haphazard manner or in a planned manner. Since, Comprehensive Development Plan is prepared for broad Transportation network and proposed land uses head of time, but ultimately it lacks in timely implementation in terms of reliasation of Zones and road networks. As a result it outlays on cities reducing their efficiency and livability
Town planning schemes will help to overcome following situations will help citizen as well t city :
Lack of people/ society centric approach.
One Town Planning Scheme is in place it would provide Supply of affordable land for development. (no acquisition, balanced zoning) , housing for urban poor, Economical Weaker Section Housing, fire station, police station, crematorium, sports complex, swimming pool,
Yes, revenue record is respected for the below mentioned purpose.
Yes, It is very much prepared under the following Provisions under Act & rules.
Odisha government has a fairly good and robust legislative framework for urban planning as compared to other states in India. This is, the Odisha Development Authorities Act: 1982, Rules: 1983, & OTP & IT Act: 1956. Urban planning in Odisha is a two-step process and is prescribed in the Act.
Town Planning Frame as per Odisha Development Authorities Act: 1982, Rules: 1983.
The “Comprehensive Development Plan” is a Macro Plan (broad prospective, master plan) for the entire city or development area. It is a macro strategic plan document that defines the direction of growth and envisions the citywide infrastructure for the entire development area. It is a comprehensive document that looks at all components of development and makes broad proposals with respect to land use Zoning, Road network and transportation, Water supply, Sewerage, Storm water drainage, Open spaces, green areas, Environment and pollution control, Reclamation of areas for the period of 10-20 years horizon.
The Town Planning scheme is to prepare “Town Planning Schemes” –Micro Plan/sector plan, Area Plan for smaller portions of the development area by incorporating the Development Plan proposal prepared at macro level which is also knowns as “Land Pooling and readjustment” for provision of infrastructure facilities at neighborhood level prior the development takes place.
Town Planning Frame as per Odisha Development Authorities Act: 1982, Rules: 1983,